Forum Solo ads Solo Ad Seller Wanted

5.0 (12)
7 posts / 7 likes


I'm looking for a Solo Ad Seller that can deliver the following:

* A Guarantee of at least a 30% opt-in rate *

- If this number is not reached then either:

1) Continue to deliver traffic until number is reached, free of charge


2) Refund payment

I have money to invest in a large list and I am willing to pay.

I am looking for quality traffic in the Health & Fitness, Weight Loss Niche.

I am not interested in dabbling with 100 clicks here and there to find someone that delivers and then when I go to scale I get a measly 10%.

If you can not or are not willing to guarantee results this just tells me you don't have any confidence in your list, so please do not waste our time and money if you cannot deliver.

I am able to purchase 500 clicks per week until I see a return, then I will be willing to invest more.

If you agree to these terms then please let's work together :)

Thanks for reading,


4.9 (2111)
62 posts / 39 likes

I think you are also focusing to much on optin rate. I mean, 20% of high buying people vs 40% of avarage buying people is a big difference. We cannot know.

I think what people are saying is that we wanted you more as a customer if you basically said "as long as you do your best and I see good results, I will come back".

But I totally agree that demanding a certain percentage is not the way to go, because we cannot control it. As someone stated there are factors we don't control.

It's like going to a store and buying a phone. You cannot say to the cashier "Hey, if this phone made by some other company ever break, I will never buy anything here again".

You just need to know that we do our best because many of us want to be here for a long time

5.0 (12)
7 posts / 7 likes

I totally get what you guys are saying.

Thank you so much for all the responses!

Here's my main "issue",

If I buy 100-200 clicks and let's say I get 30-60 subscribers.

My goal is to get to 10,000 subscribers eventually.

That's around 200 purchases at 1-2 per week.

It will take 4 years to reach that goal.

How do you build a list MUCH faster than that?

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

Buy more solos, I've bought over 400. Structure your funnel and followups so you can keep making the money back and reinvesting in more ads. There are many ways to structure a funnel and followup sequence and profitablity can vary wildly. Sell solos when your list gets big enough.

5.0 (12)
7 posts / 7 likes

How long did it take you to buy 400? How long was it before you saw a return on investment?

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

It took a year or two but it can be done faster. If your funnel is strong enough and your followups for the right offers you can be profitable right away. By the time you have 500 to 1000 subscribers you can be profitable if you keep promoting affiliate offers to your list or sell solos.

5.0 (12)
7 posts / 7 likes

Ok, very cool.

I think I have a good funnel and follow up sequence and good product..

So I guess time will tell :)

Ok, very cool.

I think I have a strong funnel and follow up sequence and good products to promotes..

I guess time will tell :)