What company?
Ask yourself if it's even plausible that a person would opt-in to your capture page and then visit your offer sales page and be bogus.
This is an excuse that both marketers and product creators use ALL the time because they lack the ability to sell, or they don't understand how to convert cold traffic. It takes TIME and repetition.
Which is why my advice is ALWAYS to never send your opt-ins directly to the offer. Make them engage with you and get to know you first.
Randy Sult
And their complaint was spam from those opting in from solos purchased here at UDIMI. This is a first for me. In fact, the founder of this company is accusing UDIMI of being a scam. I'd like to hear comments.
Hello Troy.
I can tell you unequivocally that Udimi is not a scam. You should contact Admin
with this issue. They're very receptive and I believe they would want to be informed
about something as serious as this.
Robin Robinson
What company? Ask yourself if it's even plausible that a person would opt-in to your capture page and then visit your offer sales page and be bogus. This is an excuse that both marketers and product creators use ALL the time because they lack the ability to sell, or they don't understand how to conv
Yeah that kind of sideswiped me this morning as I was engaging with the founder ( I have his paper trail).
When I let him know my solo sources.. UDIMI and another one, he claimed there were others who were getting spam complaints from opt ins that came from UDIMI providers.
I'm just trying to do something passively and do not want to engage much with folks. That's what a good
funnel is suppose to be for ..right? I mean they can reach out to me if they want to complain. Yet, isn't that what an opt out link at the bottom of the funnel email is for?
Kinda frustrating for sure.
Hello Troy. I can tell you unequivocally that Udimi is not a scam. You should contact Admin with this issue. They're very receptive and I believe they would want to be informed about something as serious as this.
Thanks Robin... keep that million dollar smile going!
What company? Ask yourself if it's even plausible that a person would opt-in to your capture page and then visit your offer sales page and be bogus. This is an excuse that both marketers and product creators use ALL the time because they lack the ability to sell, or they don't understand how to conv
Bang on!
Thanks Robin... keep that million dollar smile going!
Thank you Troy. I'm sure you'll get it resolved. Udimi has some very effective measures in place to protect the buyer and the seller.
Robin Robinson
that's why I don't run with those companies i m not surprised, healthynuliving was a really really bad experience for me im not going to detail but that was a health and wealth company and so is live good and after that experience, i'm not missing with any health and wealth companies something always goes wrong. if he's making a big stink about that's not the company you want to be with smh. I'm sticking with the companies I know allow this.
LiveGood Yeah that kind of sideswiped me this morning as I was engaging with the founder ( I have his paper trail). When I let him know my solo sources.. UDIMI and another one, he claimed there were others who were getting spam complaints from opt ins that came from UDIMI providers. I'm just trying
This is just my opinion (based on personal experience) that whenever a more traditional network marketing niche (like the supplement model) tries to go digital and allows affiliates to use email marketing or other lead sources, even social media, they have jerk reactions to a sudden increase in spam complaints.
People who live and breath email marketing just know that, while unfortunate for so many reasons, spam complaints are part of the business and need to be factored into your marketing plan.
Marketing emails end up in spam or junk folders for many reasons and most have absolutely nothing to do with how the recipient of the email actually interacts with it. And that assumes that the intended recipient ever even received it because it's already flagged or deleted by the "free" email service providers.
Over half of the world's population (about 4 billion) use email. Over half of those email users (1.5 Billion) use Gmail. Spam complaints aren't going away no matter how perfect you follow the rules of internet marketing protocol.
Building a list with solo ad email traffic is still the fastest and most cost-efficient way to build a list of leads. But sales is still the same game regardless of where you get the leads.
Some will, some won't, so what, who's next? Embrace the suck, you're gonna get no's and you're gonna get spam complaints. That's my attitude and that's why I'm good at selling stuff online. LOL
Randy Sult
Here are the latest comments from the founder about this:
"buying garbage leads that compromise the deliverability or email servers which affects everyone in the company is not the way to do it."
I guess I'm mucking up the system w UD solos..
Here are the latest comments from the founder about this:"buying garbage leads that compromise the deliverability or email servers which affects everyone in the company is not the way to do it."I guess I'm mucking up the system w UD solos..
Ask him to define junk leads . A lead that responds to an email or optins and has high engagement is a junk lead ? If he has issues with solo ad traffic then he should have told the mebers who joined that solo ad traffic was forbidden .
He best be careful as if this spreads like it has the sellers will reject this offer and he will find himself with a decline in sales on this offer. Its a 2 way street works both ways . The seller is not going to want this hassle.
And their complaint was spam from those opting in from solos
purchased here at UDIMI.
This is a first for me.
In fact, the founder of this company is accusing UDIMI of being a scam.
I'd like to hear comments.