Forum Solo ads Limit number of bumps per week

306 / 3
9 posts / 3 likes

I think its a bit unfair for newbies getting started, that so many of the big guys bump to the top way too often.

who agress with me?

2051 / 19
62 posts / 39 likes

If you have read the forum you know there is a new system for bumping.

I really don't agree with the fair part. This is a business pure and simple. In other places you don't talk about fair. It's like owning a tv station and decide who should get ads at prime time. Being fair to a small company, or choose the one who pays.

There are ways the bump can improve of course and they are testing now how it will work.

I had an idea that when you bump you have to wait 24 hours and can then bump whatever position you are on

4240 / 17
48 posts / 18 likes

Most of you are thinking totally wrong with the hole bump thing. Everybody has been a newbie here at some point. You all need to look at the bump from a different angle, it's an investment, not just an expense, otherwise you will have a really hard time to grow and expand your business.

This will apply to every business and marketing platform you are trying to establish yourself on, not just here. Nothing comes for free, if you want exposure and growth it will cost you time and money especially in the beginning.But the faster you can bump the faster you can grow and the easier it will get, it's as simple as that.

184 / 1
104 posts / 33 likes

I don't understand some of you guys, you are all in the top 5 or 10 for much longer than you were before, rather than bumping twice a day or sometimes 3 times a day just to stay in the top 5, now you are in the top 5 much longer. It's not rocket science just sense.

Bill Abbott

144 posts / 98 likes
Bill Abbott
Bill Abbott on 4 Nov 2019 at 12:13

I don't understand some of you guys, you are all in the top 5 or 10 for much longer than you were before, rather than bumping twice a day or sometimes 3 times a day just to stay in the top 5, now you are in the top 5 much longer. It's not rocket science just sense.

Spot on!

4240 / 17
48 posts / 18 likes

As i mentioned before, if you get a bad bump for whatever reason, a bad day or gets bumped down quick in position you are stuck until you fall of page one.

This can potentially mean several days without any decent result. Add then add the result of not be able to do something so basic as to re position yourself for better exposure.

It's several factors that can affect a bump, and it can do so quickly after one has been made. I would say that position 1-3, possibly 1-5 is of interest, the rest not so much but of coarse it's better then be on page 2.

I only base this after the calculated numbers in my end, and they are not looking good in comparison to before, and i would be surprised if not more are affected as well, results started show it self directly after the change.

And yes, this is with the holliday/halloween in consideration, but to be fair we should give it somemore time to see how things will fall out in the end, but the numbers i see don't lie.

It might still come something good out of this soo let see how it all will play out.

As a business man/entrepreneur you want to strive for better results, not worse!

i'm done writing here, over and out lol xD

144 posts / 98 likes

nah.This is a bad idea.

4214 / 18
410 posts / 355 likes

The problem is too many sellers....not enough creative capacity to find business.

There is world of business out there for anyone that is a good marketer. You have no idea how much business there is, NONE, if you limit yourself to bumps.

Try building relationships with product owners! That’s only one hint I’ll share.


55 posts / 12 likes

As a new seller on's total waste of money.

I do agree that you should look at bump as an investment, but if my investment means that I'm on position 20 next day and didn't get any client, only 20 new exposures, I would say this is a bad investment that it's just not worth the money. It would make more sense to spend $75 on other exposure that could at least track what is going on. Bumps here are basically based on luck and nothing else.

Totally agree with William.


7305 / 245
197 posts / 71 likes
Bill Abbott
Bill Abbott on 4 Nov 2019 at 12:13

I don't understand some of you guys, you are all in the top 5 or 10 for much longer than you were before, rather than bumping twice a day or sometimes 3 times a day just to stay in the top 5, now you are in the top 5 much longer. It's not rocket science just sense.

You are missing it completely Bill the money is made in the top 5 not 10 . Number 10 you may as well be on page 2 already . I have watched view increases on others who are around that spot and they get nothing

7305 / 245
197 posts / 71 likes
Tomaz Bozic
Tomaz Bozic on 4 Nov 2019 at 18:28

As a new seller on's total waste of money. I do agree that you should look at bump as an investment, but if my investment means that I'm on position 20 next day and didn't get any client, only 20 new exposures, I would say this is a bad investment that it's just not worth the money. It wo

My feeling is we aren't forcing anyone to bump if a person doesnt want to then don't do it but I do not think it is right to limit a person by not alowing them to if its working for them . This is just another form of advertising they dont limit PPC by saying there is a newbie here you are not allowed to grow bigger you have to let him catch up lol

7305 / 245
197 posts / 71 likes
Patrik Radacic
Patrik Radacic on 4 Nov 2019 at 11:04

If you have read the forum you know there is a new system for bumping. I really don't agree with the fair part. This is a business pure and simple. In other places you don't talk about fair. It's like owning a tv station and decide who should get ads at prime time. Being fair to a small company, or

see now thats another great idea one bump a day whatever position you are in

7305 / 245
197 posts / 71 likes

I love that idea because if you are slow one day no big deal there's always tomorrows bump to change that . The way it is now if no one is bumping you could have 2 or 3 slow days which is a killer.

184 / 1
104 posts / 33 likes

Glenn your obsessed with this, nothing will change your mind, it's time to draw a line.

Bill Abbott

7305 / 245
197 posts / 71 likes

Not obsessed just watching my business being cut by 60 percent lol

.so yes its concerning.

33 posts / 14 likes

basically buying a solo deal is a waste of money. Used to gurantees sales now it guarantees cash down the drain.
