Automatic welcome message to referrals

Automatic welcome message

It is beneficial to send a welcome message to all your referrals, whether it includes instructions on what you want them to do or simply offers a personal greeting.

To simplify this process, we have developed a tool that sends automatic messages from you to your referrals. 

You can define the message in the Automation section of your Affiliates area.

Automation tags

There are two tags you can use in your messages:

  • %%NAME%% - inserts first name of recipient
  • %%FULLNAME%% - inserts full name of recipient

Option to keep messenger clean

When you have many referrals, the system sends a lot of welcome messages. Most of them won't even receive a reply, leaving many useless, empty 'conversations' in your messenger.

To keep your messenger clean, check this box to display only the messages in your messenger history that have received a response from your referrals.