Post a rating

After a solo ad delivery has been finished and you have checked all the statistics, you have 14 days to post a rating for your seller.

When you are ready, switch to the Ratings tab of your solo ad

Select corresponding quantity of stars to rate your seller and write a comment.

In the dropdown at the left, please select whether you got frontend sales or not. If your site is a free site or you just don't track sales, leave it as it.

The 'Got Sales' mark can be changed at any time, even after both ratings become visible. And you can change it as many times as you need.

Blind rating principle

Udimi heavily relies on its rating system as a human-driven supplement to automated filtering and monitoring systems.

We are committed to creating a fair and unbiased rating system. To prevent symmetrical or retaliatory ratings, we do not allow parties to see each other's ratings until both have been published

If you have already rated your partner, but your partner has not yet

  • Your partner does not see your rating
  • You can delete/repost/change it as many times as you want
  • After 14 days, your rating will appear alone, and your partner will lose the ability to rate

If your partner has posted a rating and you have not

  • You do not see the partner's rating
  • After you publish your rating, you will immediately see your partner's rating
  • If you do not post any rating within 14 days, your partner's rating will be displayed alone and you will no longer be able to rate

When both partners posted ratings:

  • Both ratings appear online instantly
  • No changes in ratings are allowed
  • The rating can be deleted, but after that, it will not be possible to post a new rating
  • Changes to 'Got sales' and 'Stars' ratings are allowed indefinitely.

The deadline to submit a rating is 14 days from the date the solo order is completed.