5 Ways To Increase Email Open Rates
1. Get new subscribers – Since the average Churn rate for any email list is around 20% yearly you need to purge non openers and bring in fresh blood consistently. Do not become stagnant in keeping traffic coming in and getting new subscribers, because over time a portion of your email list will die. Building your email list with fresh subscribers should be one of your main priorities. Some subscribers will read your emails for years, some will not.  2. Email List hygiene – Always clean your email list by deleting people who have not opened any of your emails in the last 6 months to 1 year (non openers). If they have not opened even one of your emails in 6 months to 1 year, they are most likely never going to. Sending emails to large numbers of people who NEVER open your emails will bring down your deliverability rate, and affect your email open rates –hence lowering your conversions. 3. Email more often – if you do not email your list often, you really risk them losing interest in your offers. If your subscribers only see an email from you once a month, they might even forget who you are and that they ever subscribed, unless you have a really recognizable brand. I email at least once a day to all my lists. 4. Re-engagement campaign – Try to re-engage your subscribers and offer your email subscribers something valuable for free or a big discount if they open your email. Whatever your offer is, make it extraordinary and utilize a subject line that spells it out clearly. 5. Write better subject lines – Look through some of your past emails you sent that got the highest open rates, if you have had some subject lines that really kicked up the opens, send it again. And try and mimic what worked in those subject lines with new ones you write. Maybe it was the topic, maybe it was the subject line itself, experiment with it.
Posted on 19 Dec 21
5 Ways To Increase Email Open Rates
Randy Sult
Last reply: Randy Sult
How To Really Avoid Painful Scams By Solo Ad Vendors
Hi everyone, Hope this finds you & your loved ones well! :) It's been quite a while since I contributed an article here so I thought I'll share something to assist people who are relatively new to buying traffic... HOW TO REALLY AVOID PAINFUL SCAMS BY SOLO AD VENDORS #1 - Avoid or minimize traffic purchases from people who directly canvass you to buy from them without even attempting to build a relationship with you or provide value first NOTE: This does NOT quite apply though if you approach these vendors first. Many scams occur because people just seem to readily buy from anyone that approaches them. And once they have made a purchase, they simply deliver bot traffic (which simulates real human traffic but isn’t real) or they do not even deliver a single click. #2 - Avoid getting traffic that is priced way below the market NOTE: At this point, it is between 10 to 35 cents per click & this can vary & fluctuate! Good quality traffic usually cost AT LEAST 45 to 50 cents a click as it reflects accurate targeted audience coupled with the vendors’ level of service, ability & competency to improve your squeeze, sales & funnel pages. In the solo ad market, price is often (though not always) an indication of quality. #3 - Only purchase from vendors with multiple SALES testimonials There are numerous testimonials out there but what really differentiates between good and bad testimonials? Simply ones that generates SALES! Optins can be high but if the vendor has a low percentage of testimonials with sales compared to the rest, it is better to avoid. #4 - Great vendors assist you with your squeeze or sales funnels Vendors who intend to run a long term sustainable business & truly wants you to profit from solo ads will make the effort to assist you optimize your squeeze or sales pages Avoid dealing with vendors who just take your money and offers zero advice on your funnel pages. Bear in mind you are creating & building long term partnerships with them so choose wisely. #5 - Top tier vendors will likely have multiple video testimonials of SALES which you can verify with their clients or customers themselves Vendors with multiple video testimonials tend to be the real deal. This indicates they have been in the industry for a decent amount of time and they truly take care of their customers which is why their customers in turn return the favor by creating a testimonial for them. Once you’ve managed to find vendors that fulfils the above requirements, the likelihood of you being scammed is GREATLY reduced & minimised! P.S. Please note I'm unlikely to have the bandwidth to answer any questions pertaining to this sharing as I run multiple businesses and I'm simply sharing this as a form of educational material for people who are new. Thanks!
Posted on 20 Aug 18
11 replies
How To Really Avoid Painful Scams By Solo Ad Vendors
Kelvin Chan
Last reply: Glenn Fedoruk
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